- Co-author of "Evidencia científica y autismo" (Gredos, Barcelona, 2020) - you can buy the book on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/Evidencia-cient%C3%ADfica-autismo-ESCUELA-LACANIANA/dp/8424939328
- "Evidencia científica, psicoanálisis y autismo" - article in Meteoro, No 16, Madrid, 2016: http://meteoro.elp.org.es/meteoro-no-16-evidencia-cientifica-psicoanalisis-y-autismo-a-maximov/
- "Выбор пола" ("The Choice of Sex") - article in International Psychoanalytical Journal (Международный Психоаналитический Журнал), No 5, Moscow, 2015: https://www.academia.edu/16407728/Максимов_Выбор_пола
- Co-author of "Дело Косенко: между психиатрией и психоанализом" ("The Kosenko case: between Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis") - article in OpenLeft, Moscow, 2014: http://openleft.ru/?p=3085
- "The Dark Spring by Unica Zürn: a somewhat peculiar sexuality" - article for the 11th AMP Congress Blog, 2018, available at: https://congresoamp2018.com/en/bibliografia/the-dark-spring-by-unica-zurn-somewhat-peculiar-sexuality/
- "Kojève, Sagan, Miller y el hombre que no existe" - article in Nodvs, No 47, Barcelona, 2016: http://www.scb-icf.net/nodus/contingut/article.php?art=582&autor=257&pub=3&rev=66
- "Una reflexión sobre la norma y la clínica psicoanalítica" - article for the PIPOL 8 Congress Preparation Sessions, Barcelona, 2017: https://www.cdcelp.org/docs/PipolefectosdeformacionArseni.pdf
- "La transferencia y la sugestión: 27ª y 28ª conferencias de introducción al psicoanálisis de Freud" - article in Nodvs, No 49, Barcelona, 2017: http://www.scb-icf.net/nodus/contingut/article.php?art=613&autor=257&pub=3&rev=68
- "Gender Identity and Perception of the Parents in Adolescent Boys with Antisocial Behaviour" (published in Russian) - article co-authored with Holmogorova, A.B. in Neurology Bulletin, 2011, Vol. 43, No 1, Moscow: https://journals.eco-vector.com/1027-4898/article/view/13648/en_US
- "Social and Psychological Aspects of the Phenomenon of Male Prostitution in Modern Culture" (published in Russian) - article in Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2011, Vol. 7, No 1, Moscow: http://psyjournals.ru/en/kip/2011/n1/44388.shtml
- "Borderline personality disorder and trauma in homosexual male sex workers in Russia" - paper co-authored with Holmogorova, A.B. in The collected materials of The Regional Congress of the World Psychiatric Association on the subject of “Traditions and Innovations in Psychiatry”, Saint Petersburg, June 2010. P. 411—412.
- "Psychological Factors of Gender Identity Disorders in Adolescents and Young Men with Antisocial Behaviour" - 2011 PhD thesis available at: https://www.dissercat.com/content/psikhologicheskie-faktory-narushenii-polorolevoi-identichnosti-u-podrostkov-i-yunoshei-s-aso